Terms and Conditions of Prime Tennis

Terms and Conditions

Make-Up Lessons & Cancellation Policy For Group Lessons

Inclement Weather

Make up sessions are provided for all lessons missed due to inclement weather. All lessons cancelled due to the weather will be made up at the end of the standard 8 week term. Prime Tennis will notify all participants if a lesson is cancelled and will inform all participants of the date and time of any make-up lessons.

In the event of extreme heat , all coaching sessions will be suspended until the temperature drops below 37 degrees.

Please assume that all lessons will take place unless you receive notification from Prime Tennis.

Absence through Illness

We offer make-up lessons for illness however a doctors certificate must be provided. If for any other reason you cannot make a lesson you are welcome to invite a friend or family member to take your position in the lesson. In this instance you must contact Prime Tennis to confirm the replacement booking.

  • Please note all replacements must be compatible with age and standard of the lessons.

Payment , Make-Up Lessons & Cancellation Policy For Private Lessons


In order to secure your place for weekly programs, camps or other events, Prime Tenis require that you complete a registration form in the weeks before the start date and return to us with payment.

All Holiday, Tournament, Camp or Event program fees are due before the start of the program/s. All term fees are due within the first 3 weeks of coaching term. Places will not be guaranteed if forms and payment are not received prior to commencement of the term / program.

Please indicate on your registration form your preferred times and days (for weekly programs) and we will do our best to meet with your request.

Inclement Weather

Prime Tennis will notify all clients if the weather is deemed totally unsuitable for play and no lesson fee will be charged. If the client chooses to play in poor weather then the full lesson fee is required. All court cleaning shall be inclusive in the lesson time.

Please assume all lessons are on unless we have been in contact to discuss otherwise. The standard cancellation policies apply.

Cancellation Policy

We have a significant waiting list for private lessons so suitable notification is required for us to have the time to offer the lesson spot to another client.

Please note all after school time slots must be booked for a minimum 8 week term.

We require 24 hours notice to have the time to re-organize the schedule and offer the lesson spot to another client.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. All data collected from you will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other company for any reason whatsoever, without your consent. The email address you provide may be used to send you information, respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions.

Medical & Liability

I hereby authorise the staff of Prime Tennis to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention. I release Prime Tennis from any and all liability for injury or illness and costs, incurred while undertaking a program or event with Prime Tennis at Peppermint Grove Tennis Club.

Photography & Video Images

I acknowledge that Prime Tennis may film, use video analysis and photography during programs, lessons and events. I acknowledge and agree that this usage, including for marketing & promotion purposes, is without compensation or notice to myself. Images may be used on our website, social media and other promotional material.

Parental Involvement

For insurance purposes we cannot allow any parents inside the tennis court boundary during their child’s tennis lesson unless they are actively involved in the lesson as a client. Parents are very welcome to sit anywhere outside the boundaries of the court to watch their child.

Email Database

By enquiring or enrolling with Prime Tennis , I accept that my email will be added to the database for future information and advertising.

I hereby understand that by enrolling in any program with Prime Tennis that I have read and agree with the Terms and Conditions of all coaching programs set by Prime Tennis.