Junior Pennants Registration Form
Juniors who are interested in playing in the 2025 Junior Winter Pennant season must complete the steps below:
Matches start at 9:00am on Sunday mornings commencing 4 May for 10 rounds plus 2 rounds of finals. To view full playing dates please CLICK HERE
To view the full league options for winter please CLICK HERE
Registrations close on 28 March.
Step 1 – Junior Pennants Registration
One form per player.
Registration fee of $155, this includes the following:
- Tennis West registration fee
- Administration
- Weekly match balls
- Match supervisor (for home games)
Please read the Junior Pennant Parent Handbook in preparation for the Junior Pennant Season.
Every team must have a Team Manager. The Team Manager’s main responsibilities are to put together a roster for the season and to touch base each week with the players rostered on for each match.
Step 2 – Junior Club Membership
To be eligible to play junior league, players must be financial members of the club they represent.
For Allen Park Tennis Club Junior Membership CLICK HERE
Junior Club membership entitles the member to play at Friday afternoon Junior Club during Term 4 and Term 1, eligibility for junior pennants, free usage of the courts with members, cheaper rates for organised club play and much more.
Step 3 – Competitive Player Profile
All players MUST have completed their Competitive Player Profile in order to be added to a team.
To complete a CPP please CLICK HERE
Team Training
Please see our Junior Program and Timetable page for training times.
You can also arrange a private training session for your team by contacting admin@primetennis.com.au